Saturday, 9 February 2008


Well, the Johnny Cash song comes to mind.... Okay so it was not always or originally a Johnny Cash song. I have been listening to him a lot on my long drives for work lately and it's starting to show. Anyway, I chose this title because although I am not sure, I think that's the only way to describe how this day as been. Emotionally, I mean. I spent most of today, technically the previous day, thinking that I was starting to come down with something. Rather than doubt my superior African physiology, however, I ventured deeper into the way I was feeling the way only a Psychologist can and discovered that I think I was merely sick at heart with the turn the day had made. I started the day at a late morning hour and I felt good enough at the beginning, being a Friday and all, but as the day wore on and as the responsibilities of my job weighed in more and more, the more I began to realize how deep I was into the rabbit hole.

No doubt I have been "in a funk" all day. For those who have spoken to me at all, perhaps you noticed and perhaps you did not. The thing is, I did not really notice today until close to ten pm when I seriously recognized that I was actually trying to pick a fight with a roommate. I just wanted to scream at how wrong it all was - the dirty house, the boxing lashing I had just received on the xbox from another roommate, and the fact that I had not eaten and I still felt like peeing even though I had already gone three times in as many hours as I had been home. Even as I am writing this, I thought perhaps that it was work that's got me feeling this way, but I do not think so any more. Methinks 'tis something else. I think it is knowing that I did not really have any control over the day for the first time in a long time even though I had something to look forward to. For most of my life I have dealt with difficult or less-than-ideal portions of my life with a decent helping of "Find something this day/week/month/year/life that you are looking forward to and latch on to the idea of that thing so strongly that it will get you through the day. I realize now that for longer than I could possibly recall that has worked very well. I don't think it has worked so well today.

Do not misunderstand, I am happy. I have a blessed life and I provide for myself. I keep a healthy home and I have a job. There is something, however, I am striving for and the more years I spend away from boarding school the more apparent it becomes that this is my life now
and here not what I am waiting for in the next few months. The fact that my life now is kind of looked at as the interim period then isn't really healthy, because I find myself relying on my age old strategy far too many times than is healthy. I wake up everyday and will myself to wake up because I absolutely know that this day will be better because it brings me that much closer to my future goals. Sadly though, something always happens in the present of the day to bring me back to the fact that as much as I have been dreaming about my future self happy, today actually sucked and thank goodness its Friday because at least the weekend is here and I can find some way to regroup before the beginning of the week.

Now I am sure somewhere someone is saying "Well I could be worse. This man has not actually said something bad happened. Looks like all is still well in his life." And they would be right. I guess the point I am trying to make is that I feel like something bad is going to happen. Maybe to someone I know or with something important, maybe just with something inside me, something that is simply going to decide to snap. I know, I know, the ravings of a mad man, eh? Never mind. Never mind about this whole thing. Maybe I've had one too many and I am not making any sense right? I am not even about to suggest that I maybe have struck a cord with someone reading this and have begun to thus undo the very process I fear. This is a mouthful of rubbish is it not? Never mind. Carry on with your day, as I shall endeavor to do the same with mine. If our paths cross just smile at me and make small talk. We'll talk and we'll laugh and you will make me all better again. Thanks.


Amie V said...

I'm sorry. I can't really do anything to make it better, or give you any words of wisdom about how to keep going and enjoy the moment and blah blah blah. I'm looking for the same kind of motivation myself. And I'm sorry that we both had such low days yesterday... I just had absolutely nothing to give last night when you called. Maybe today will be better-- the sun is out here, at least.

And rambling is not a bad thing. Sometimes it helps.

Jennie B said...

I honestly believe there is nothing to worry about unless it concerns yours or someones life or death. Meaning, unless you or someone is going to die, at that moment or very soon, don't worry about it. There is nothing you can do anyway. Thats my philosophy! Why beat yourself up about things you can't at that moment control? Anywho...what do I know. :) Hope you have a happy weekend and can "get out of your funk!" and remember at least its not "Funk in your trunk" that could be embarrassing.

Amie V said...

Um, hello? Am I going to have to keep popping up every week or so to remind you that you started this and you'd dang well better see it through? Watch out, or I'll send 'round an email to all your friends and family telling them where to find it, as well! :P